Our Mission
"Hi! You've found us. We're glad you did! Want THE GREATEST security officer, concealed carry, Anger Management (Court-Ordered/Personal Growth), parenting and CPR training? Money tight? If you've done your research, The others...well...they charge A LOT, don't they? We support their right to. We believe in savings, too.
Well, GO where YOU MATTER, GET what YOU WANT and SAVE MONEY! With GREAT Training at THE LOWEST affordable prices, on-site fingerprinting, PERC/Concealed Carry/FOID Card Processing, and more security officer job placement, why go anywhere else?? WHY would YOU go ANYWHERE Else??? Some competitors may say, "Quality over Quantity." Well, with us, you get QUALITY AND QUANTITY!!
We make BETTER-TRAINED, INTERVIEW/JOB-READY Security Officers. Period. Get THE GREATEST Affordable Chicago Security Officer and Concealed Carry Training with Security Training Concepts!"
- Principal Instructor Mike
Meet Our Training Staff

Instructor Will
Firearms and Security Instructor
Instructor Tommie
Firearms Instructor
Chad Randomlastname
He's some guy. LOL
He might wear khakis.